Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Pembatalan remidi

For the students XIA3-XIA5
I'm sorry,to day i will BIMTEK at the Kr.Tengah School.  I get instruction about it at 07.30.  So the remidial of biology test  will do on thursday 08 Dec 2010.Thanks

For the students X-9 and X-10
The students who biology remidial test (X-10) :Ahmad Suhasan, Amin A, Ayu rizqi, David Y, Dhi'fan, Eka Anisa, Firda Amalia, Ifadatun,M.Badrul,M.Budhi
The students who biology remidial test (X-9) :  Alfian Ristanto, Elok, Fitriana Umami, Hendrawan, Himmatul, Kharis
             Remidial day:  friday, 09 Dec 2010
             Time            :  07.30
             Place           :  Kelas X-9 SMA I Demak


Jumat, 03 Desember 2010


For kelas xi a3-xia5
Hari Senin, 06 Desember 2010 setelah tes terakhir ada info remidi dari Bu Dwi.  Harap tunggu di kelas masing-masing

For kelas x-9 n x-10
Hari Rabu, 08 Desember 2010 setelah tes terakhir ada info remidi dari Bu Dwi.  Harap tunggu di kelas masing-masing

Kamis, 25 November 2010

movement system

for class xi a3 and xi a5

1.  How many bones does the adult human skeleton consist of?
2.  Mention the two main parts of human skeleton!
3.  What kinds of bones does each of part consist of?
4.  Mention the functions of skeleton!  
5.  How are bone formed?  
6.  How are mechanisme contraction of skelet muscle?
Do it on the answersheet and collage on Monday, 29th Nov 2010

Selasa, 23 November 2010


For students class X-9 and class X-10
1.  Explain characteristic of protista like animal, protista like fungus and protista like plant
2.  Describe life cycle of Plasmodium
3.  Describe asexual and sexual reproduction of Oomycota
4.  Mention role protista in economic benefits

Dikerjakan dikertas ulangan dan dikumpulkan paling lambat Sabtu 27 Nove 2010 di meja Bu Dwi

Senin, 15 November 2010